The Seasons of Life...Living Victorious
There are all kinds of seasons in life. Some easier than others, of course. We’re all in a certain season. Planning your life based on the season you’re in will help you recognize your potential, and your potential limitations.
Most people go through the basic seasons: single, married, having children, and eventually, an empty nest. There are also common seasons that prove to be more difficult, such as going through a big move, getting out of serious debt, starting a business, changing careers, fostering, adopting, losing a lot of weight, and the list continues…
Moreover, you have the challenging seasons you may go through. These are things like divorce/re-marriage, becoming a widow/widower, dealing with a terminal illness in the family, fighting a legal battle, military deployments, depression, having a special-needs child, or the arduous burden of losing a child.
That seemingly exhaustive list doesn’t come close to encompassing all the seasons you could face. Once you start planning and adapting your life to your season, stress and strain will begin to fade.
The first step to “handling” the season you’re in is to know and actually recognize which season you’re in. Once you’ve accepted that, realize your season has limiting factors." Information from
Episodes of Breaking News to help you go through your seasons of life, Victoriously.
Maybe at this time in your life you're going through a challenge and need a word from the Lord to encourage you during your ordeal. Well, through our Breaking News Series we have taught many episodes that can encourage, inspire and edify you during your seasons of life. Pick one to listen to IN YOUR SEASON OF LIFE!